Multiserver, multi windows, multitasking NewsReader for text and binaries
Greatly exceeds binary downloaders in terms of both reliability and performance
Capable of handling huge newsgroups easily
Virtual groups - combining headers from many groups in one window
Collections and files - convenient auto or custom grouping of binary and text posts in threaded view
Automation through AutoHeaders/Watch/Scheduler; extensive header filtering options
Processing nzb files and seamlessly integrating indexing services through an open interface
Extremely low memory consumption and processor usage
Flexible and extendable underlying framework, highly reliable and fault tolerant
Fully autonomous, no verification server or phoning home except for optional check for updates
Settings and database are contained in a single folder, doesn't use registry
Powerful freeware binary/text poster included
Built-in SSL support
Win95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP/Vista compatible